happy halloween! we have a house full of goblins this weekend, so i have many, many, many more pictures to post... just not enough time to post them. here's to a safe & fun trick or treating adventure tonight!
our house has become a germ factory the past two weeks... can we please be spared the next time something starts around? i needed to remind myself that their to do list was more important than mine this week...
lucky for me, he wasn't speaking of my nursing skills. no, he didn't have nurse ratchet.
poor court. really doesn't like her bike ever since she went down a little hill one day and felt a bit out of control. it's the one thing she's ever shown fear towards. the girl will climb to the top of the monkey bars without so much as blinking an eye. i haven't mentioned her bike in about six weeks, thinking she would have forgotten her fears by now.... it seems she needs a bit more time. i'm sure by next summer she'll be racing her brother around the circle.
a few snaps of hayden & alea... her mom & I love that they have yet to discover that girls/boys are gross. we have our fingers crossed that they don't figure that out for a long while...
court wanted to hopscotch. (and learn how to do a handstand, but that's another story.) seems easy enough, i thought. so i drew one out with chalk. she didn't seem to notice that there were three boxes where there should have been two, as melissa was kind enough to point out.
yesterday, i tried convincing hayden that dynamite is a legitimate part of rock-paper-scissors. google it, you'll see.
oh, how i love bunny boots... if winter has to come, then at least it brings these with it. it's hard not to smile every time she puts them on... usually backwards, which makes me smile even more.
gorgeous backlighting. sunflare. these little beauties have eluded me for some time, but i think i'm starting to see the light. fingers crossed for more evenings like this...
we've had this shoot planned for a while now... ever since erin's old laundry line collapsed on the lawn and she insisted on having it replaced. asap. she's hoping that in the next one or two or three weeks, baby eckberg will be sleeping peacefully in a basket under the laundry line. i'm hoping he or she won't mind the sound of gentle click, click, clicking...
we live peculiarly parallel lives, my friend jackie & i. labor & delivery nurses, aspiring photographers, mothers of two. every once in a while we learn something new about each other and smile at the similarities. i so appreciate seeing our family from your perspective, jackie. thank you! sharing just a few...
this week has been an adventure, that's for sure. one part normal life: work, kids, homework, errands, laundry... etc. add one part fulfilling dream: eye candy workshop with sheye rosemeyer add one part worry: for my mom add one part reinventing the wheel: at work simmer. stir. add a glass of wine asap. (please)