Monday, September 20, 2010


i find it ironic that in my search for balance in life,
i actually discovered a new side of myself.
one that had never existed before.
one that could seemingly throw things even more off balance.
but doesn't.

instead, it puts things into perfect perspective for me.
it gives me time to think and breathe and be. me.

i've had a lot of inquiries about the lack of blog posts lately.
and only one simple answer to offer:
i've been swimming.

taking just a bit fewer pictures doesn't make me love photography any less.
but the more i swim, the more i want to swim.
it makes me feel strong. and free.

i've always believed that things happen for a reason
and that certain people come into our lives at just the right time
in order to make that happen. like anne.

if it weren't for a very long, twisted chain of events,
which definitely included my own procrastination,
i would have never met this person
who started as my coach, but became my friend.

i told her right from the start
all of the things i couldn't do.
lucky for me, she disagreed.

and then showed me how.

i try to thank her every chance i get.
for helping me find this other part of myself.
especially on the days i reach a new milestone.
like 20 laps, today. and not an ache or a pain to show for it.
so, again, thank you.

xo, t

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