Wednesday, September 8, 2010

preschool, take two.

the first day of her preschool year,
almost thwarted by a strange stomach bug.
one that was thankfully here and gone before
much harm was done.
i woke her cheerfully, yet cautiously.
"it's the first day of school!"
and waited to hear her response. with my fingers crossed.
"oh, good! can you help me get dressed?"
she said, as she bounced out of bed.

after unfolding the entire contents of her dresser,
discussing the weather,
and a few wardrobe changes,
she came down for breakfast.
where she announced to her brother and me,
"i'm scared to meet new friends." and started to cry.

(hayden and i immediately looked at each other in confusion.
i'm certain we were both thinking the same thing:
"really? YOU are afraid to meet new friends??
who are you and what have you done with court?")

he gave her the sweetest little speech about
new friends and new teachers and life in general.
you know, from a nine year old's perspective.
she felt better and ate her breakfast.
and even more importantly, she kept it down.

before we left for school, i heard her say to hayden,
"we'll be right in. it's time for MY first day of school pictures!"
she was so proud.
and happy that it was her turn.
and camera ready, with a huge, willing smile.
just waiting to be captured.

she's made comments all day about the many differences
between her class and teachers from this year to last.
but i'm sure she's going to love it just as much.

1 comment:

Your Nana/Mom said...

Hayden IS nine and KNOWS so much and IS so sensitive and sweet...what a lucky little sister...she's beautiful and growing so fast...the many faces of Court! Love You littles...



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