Monday, March 7, 2011

registration day.

it depends. on who you ask, and on what day.
i think it's bittersweet for both of us.
i know she's ready. i'm probably ready, too.

she knows her abc's. (well, mostly. we're still working on e and i)
she can make friends with anyone.
last month, she gained two pounds worth of height.
she wants to grow up so fast, but with her blankie at her side.
this morning she asked me if hayden would go visit her if she gets sad at school.
and would he help her cross the street?
of course, i said. with my brave mom face.
all i keep thinking is they let babies go to school??
more importantly, my baby. my very-best-friend-in-the-whole-wide-world-pinky-swear. my sidekick.
the one who goes everywhere with me.

apparently, they do.
because today i'll have to dig out her immunization record
and fill out all the forms to get her registered for the fall.
when i'll surely need my brave mom face again.

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