Wednesday, March 21, 2012

wrapping it up.

i'm not sure exactly what to say about this year's swim season.
there is definitely a love/hate thing going on here.

a lot of complaining about going to practice.
a lot of smiles when we pick him up. a lot.
a lot of hard work. i mean hard work.
if you've ever been or known a swimmer, then you know.
a lot of good times with his best buds.
a lot of tuesdays.
a lot of trying to get out of tuesdays.
a lot of progress. a lot of time taken off his best times.
a lot of dry land workouts.
a lot of dreading dry land workouts.

a lot of wondering about how hard
we should push him to finish what he started.

a lot of missing it when it was over.
a lot of talk about this summer.

a lot of feeling so super proud of him
because of all of this.

i took this right before his first 100 back.
he was nervous and didn't appreciate the camera.
last week, he saw this image and said, "awesome shot, mom!"
worth it.

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